Thursday, September 18, 2008

2 Blogs

This is a really good blog detailing the news and recent happenings of the Phillies. It gives updates as to trade rumors, game scores and details, etc. It also has the comments of other Philadelphia sports fans about the ups and downs of the team so it gives many different perspectives.

This is a blog written by the writers of Grey's Anatomy. Grey's Anatomy is one of my favorite shows, and this blog gives us a peek into upcoming surprises on the show and how the writers feel about the characters. It gives awesome descriptions of what next to come on the show and keeps everyone wanting more and more of Grey's Anatomy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Dumbest Generation?

In his book, "The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupifies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future", Mark Bauerlein ridicules "Generation Y" for being the dumbest generation yet. He states that we are ignorant, and unapologetic for our ignorance, and that we can't spell or retain information. He harps on the idea that we spend way too much time playing video games, IMing, texting, and facebooking and not enough time on reading and writing. He says that our parents are way too easy on us, and that should we actually think and write intelligently we are ridiculed.
Bauerlein's arguments are nothing new, as the authors of the Newsweek article, "The Dumbest Generation? Don't be Dumb." pointed out. Despair of a generation's ignorance is nothing new. Bauerlein seems to forget that the members of Generation Y did not raise themselves. They were raised by their parents who allowed them to get away with the things he today calls "ignorance" and "stupidity". So why should all the blame fall on the children? Bauerlein notes that Grand Theft Auto sales were at a total of 500 million for the first week, and says that some of that money should have been spent on books and other educational tools. Is it a crime for children to want to play a game in their off time? Did his generation not go outside and play a roudy game of football or baseball in their free time? What's the difference?
Bauerliein pointed out that, "It's the era of child-centered classrooms and self-esteem grading.'' I'd like to come upon a teacher who grades to boost a child's self esteem, it would be a nice break from the hours spent studying and doing homework to meet the teacher's expectations. Bauerlein complains about how Generation Y can't spell and how without spell check we would be doomed. While that may be somewhat true, there were also many people in his generation that would be unsuccesful without spell check in their offices today as well.
To me, Bauerlein is being extremely redundant and hypocritical. He is judging our generation off of the members who reside at the bottom of their class, and simply dont care. He isn't looking at the members of Generation Y who are excelling and have a promising future ahead of them. In 20 years, I'm sure he will look back and note how wrong he is when he sees that our generation is just like his.